Optimize Your Training


Training is a potent anabolic stimulus, which ultimately dictates muscle hypertrophy and strength gains achieved.  In order to optimize your results make sure you include the following into your training protocol.

Range of Motion

Range of motion refers to the act of moving as far anatomically as possible during a given exercise.  If you were to squat, full range of motion would be starting at a standing position and squatting til your hip crease is lower than your knees and coming back up to a full extension or standing position.  In other words, when exercising complete the full movement in order to get the best results, with proper technique of course.

Rest Periods and Intensity

A well-rounded program needs to stagger rest periods and intensities to optimize the training stimulus.  A program should be cycled or periodized, which can be accomplished by using a linear or non-linear program.  Research has shown that non-linear periodization provides the best stimulus and gains in muscle hypertrophy and strength.

Exercise Choice

The more muscle groups you train, the greater the overall stimulus.  In any program you follow, be sure that it includes a variety of exercises that hit a variety of muscles. Not only will a variety help keep you from becoming bored with your training but it will also help ensure that you don't plateau.


Our 12-week cycle that will challenge you, help build muscle and strength, and keep you on your toes. This program is for advanced trainers only.  You should seek input from a professional trainer before starting.

Download the 12-week cycle here


Recover faster so you can optimize each training session!


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*Before starting any training program (or supplementation regimen) you should consult with your physician to assure you are in good health for the type of program you intend to use.  This is particularly important if you intend to follow the program outlined here, as this program is designed to have you achieve your maximum intensity during multiple workout sessions.


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